With 70 kids on the waiting list throughout Huron County, Reach Our Youth is in desperate need of caring mentors.

As a mentor, you have the ability to change the direction a child's life can go. You get to come alongside them as a caring friend and show them their strengths, be an encouragement in their lives and help them discover the great things about life. Just two hours a week can influence a child's future for the better.
If you have the time and skills to share, you can fill out an application here!
What does a Mentor's Job Look Like?
- Age 16 or older
- A desire to work with and be accessible to a mentee
- Warmth, openness, and patience
- Willingness to listen
- Ability to set limits and respond to supervision
- Ability to travel to and from the site of activities
- Intentional and committed

- Serve as a friend, advocate, coach, and listener to your mentee on personal, school, career and other issues
- Meet with mentee for a minimum of two hours, two to four times a month
- Attend ROY activities as your schedule allows; socialization with other matches in the program is encouraged!
- Turn in monthly Mentor Reports in a timely fashion (due on the first of the month)
- Giving and sharing your lifetime of experience
- Opportunity to learn more about yourself and grow in a new way
- Free attendance at ROY Activities
- Greater awareness of community resources and the needs of today's mentees
- Opportunity to have a lasting, positive influence on your community
For detailed information about mentoring check out Mentoring Roles and Guidelines for Mentors.