Courthouse Christmas Giving Tree 2024

Our Giving Tree will go up in early November. Check back here for more details!
Located At Huron County Courthouse
(Beginning on Nov. 1, 2024)
For kids in the ROY & CASA Programs and their siblings
1. The paper ornaments on the tree contain the first name of a local child, their age, gender, clothing sizes and a few items the child has requested.
2. Anyone can pick a name from the tree and buy a toy or clothing gift for that child. In an effort to keep gifts equal to all children, please limit gifts to about 3 items. (Just take more tags if you are feeling especially generous!)
3. Gifts should be turned in UNWRAPPED and the tag you took off the tree should be included with the gifts you purchase. Feel free to place all unwrapped items in a gift bag.
4. All gifts should be turned in at the Huron County Juvenile Court Services office, located on the first floor of the Courthouse in room 102 or 101, by Wednesday, December 11th.
5. The child’s family will be sent a letter to pick up the gifts at the Juvenile Court Services office as the gifts arrive. This way we are not having mass amounts of people in the office on one day.
6. The tree will be located in the hallway of the first floor of the Huron County Courthouse. You can take a tag from the tree, or the program can mail one to you. Just call 419-663-2525 ext. 1 or text 419-465-7285 to request a tag.
If you would like a tag to be mailed to you, please call 419-663-2525 ext. 1.